Thursday, March 19, 2015

Anthony Wehyee Negotiate for Nimba Community College

Anthony Wehyee - UNICCO-ND President
Fargo, ND, March 19, 2015: The North Dakota Branch of the United Nimba Citizen Council (UNICCO) is moving fast to identify training opportunities for instructors of the Nimba County Community College. This move is contingent upon the discussion between Liberian President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf and a delegation of the UNICCO, headed by North Dakota UNICCO President Anthony Wehyee. The meeting took place in Monrovia in March 2014 in the office of the Liberian President.

UNICCO-ND President Wehyee says he has concluded discussion with the Williston State College for one instructor with a background in Mathematics and Science to travel to Williston, North Dakota to participate in a training program. The President of the College, Dr. Raymond Nadolny has assured Mr. Wehyee that once the instructor has finally arrived, the college will take actions to make the studies smooth and rewarding.

The new shift to find training opportunities for the Nimba Community College instructors was based on President Sirleaf statement last year during the UNICCO-President meeting. President Sirleaf reminded them that one can put up all the schools around the country, but if there are no qualified teachers, there will still be problems. “That’s the problem we’re facing in schools right now with the poor quality of education. We do not have qualified teachers,” she pointed out, noting that unless the human resource capacity is expanded there’s no way a country can achieve the full goal it wants.

Meanwhile, Mr. Wehyee has requested one name of instructor of Math and Science background from the Nimba Community College for onward forwarding to the Williston College. As soon as the first instructor’s training deal is concluded other instructors will be extended similar opportunities. The Williston State College is willing to help as many instructors as they can, according to the negotiation by the UNICCO-ND President