Monday, August 27, 2012




Liberian media reported Wednesday, August 15, 2012, that the government of Liberia has clarified that no Liberians have crossed into neighboring la Cote d’Ivoire to launch any form of attacks as alleged by the government Alhassan Ouattara. Several newspapers and radio stations quoted Defense Minister Brownie Samukai as saying that the wave of attacks in various parts of Ivory Coast is the work of Ivoirian dissident forces. The Government says as proof that it was Ivoirians attacking their own security forces, the Liberian security forces have arrested six Ivoirians who participated in the recently attack on the Ivoirian side of the Liberia-Ivory Coast border, about 29 kilometers from Toe’s Town in Grand Gedeh.

The news that Liberians are not involved in the attacks in Ivory Coast is welcome news, but we are greatly appalled and sadden that the Government of Liberia security forces had already arbitrarily arrested and detained at least seven young men from Grand Gedeh County for no just cause. Three weeks ago since the Grand Gedeans were arrested and detained, they have not been charged, lest to talk about being brought before a court of competent jurisdiction to face their accusers—the Government of Liberia. Most draconically and ruthlessly, sources have informed us that the seven Grand Gedeans are being tortured in the “dark cell” of the National Security Agency (NSA). Their family members are also being denied access to them, and NSA agents are said to be forcing confession out of them.

Recently, Liberia government security forces arrested and detained the seven Grand Gedeans at interval times. Those arrested and detained without charges included Neezee Barway (sometimes called Joseph Dweh); Isaac Taryon, Bobby Sarpee, Morris K. Cole (sometimes called Edward K. Cole, and three others and incarcerated them at secret cells in Monrovia. These Grand Gedeans are common preys of the Sirleaf administration’s naked witch-hunt drive against the people of Grand Gedeh county.

Not only that the fundamental rights of the Grand Gedeans are being violated, the Constitution of Liberia is being flouted by the Sirleaf Administration, especially when the prosecution arm of government has blatantly failed to come up with indictments to prosecute the accused individuals. This is a travesty of justice, and a flagrant abuse of power by President Sirleaf and national security authorities. We cannot imagine that President Sirleaf who advocated for rule of law and respect for human rights, and condemned every Liberian president for their excesses will sit at the throne of authority and allowed some vicious and witch-hunting and egomaniac evil incarnates to terrorize the people of Grand Gedeh County.

We must state in no uncertain terms that we demand that the Government of Liberia release from further detention those victims of tyranny without delay. Not only that the government must release them from jail, but the government must also send them to hospital for thorough medical checkup to ensure that they are healthy, safe and sound.

The Sirleaf Administration crossed the line and Madam Sirleaf will be held personally responsible for the safety of the seven Grand Gedeans. The people of Grand Gedeah have exercised extreme tolerance and patients not out of weakness, but out of strength. The people of Grand Gedeh County will hold President Sirleaf, her children and her children’s children accountable if anything happens to those sons of Grand Gedeh. Even if it takes hundred years, the Sirleaf family will pay dearly for their iniquities against the people of Grand Gedeh County, as that will be paying in the Sirleafs’ own coin.

Gibson W. Jerue
For and on behalf of Concerned Grand Gedeans in the Americas

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