Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Platform of Team Dadoua

(Ah bli younh, ah kpa DADOUA ah ye Grand Gedeh poh)
National Campaign Headquarters
6760 Linmore St. Philadelphia, PA 19142
We the sons and daughters of Grand Gedeh County, in order to implement needed Reforms and develop an Inclusive structure that will augment the process of Unification in the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas, help promote the general welfare of all Grandeans home and abroad and provide a sound leadership that will be Accountable, Transparent and abide our own rule of law we have organized ourselves as group to be called “DADOUA”.

Accountability, Transparency, believing in the rule of law and developing and implementing an efficient service delivery system will be our focus

We believe that a totally accountable and transparent entity that operates within the confines of our constitution is bound to succeed at all levels. We will stop at nothing to incorporate views of every sector of community to help carve a sustainable path to peace unity and harmony amongst us. It is in this regard fellow Grand Gedeans that team “DADOUA” is

Holding firm to the true meaning of “DADOUA” which means togetherness and inclusiveness in the Krahn language, we have banded together to reform this noble organization of ours to a new height where all Grand Gedeans will be respected  irrespective of district, clans, section or social/birth year group. We will work to create that environment that will promote the idea of ONE GRAND GEDEH ASSOCIATION in the minds of all our members.
 We will form a common patrimony among all of our people and join forces with other Liberian county associations and the Union of Liberian Associations in the Americas, ULAA and other social groups to work for real peace and harmony amongst ourselves in the Diaspora.

Accountability and Transparency

     We will provide a simple, but effective financial management system that will insure financial accountability and transparency by making sure the quarterly comprehensive financial report is made to our chapter leaders within the time frame set forth by the constitution and on our website. And the reports will be backed by financial bank statements.

     We will Establish and implement an internal annual financial review of our accounting system and make the findings public.

     We will observe and do proper reporting and filing consistent with internal revenue requirements for a non-profit organization like ours.

     We will make the requirement of the constitution that calls for independent audits mandatory for our administration and all bodies that fall under the umbrella of the association and those audits will be part of the president’s report to the national conference.
     Our administration will be Transparent to her members,  for we  clearly understand that it our membership  that  is  our bread winner.
     In first sixty (60) days, we will  conduct  a complete  review  of the  activities from contracts to finished and unfinish projects  and make those public.
Rule of law

     Team Dadoua promise our noble organization, districts organizations i.e.: Gbarzon, Tchien and Konobo, sectional and our Social/birth year organizations to commit ourselves to abiding by the rule of law. Our leadership will lead by example, understanding that we do not have prosecutorial power. We will hold supreme to every phrase of our constitution and govern from that stand point.

     We will make the understanding of our constitution a priority.

     We will provide where it is neccessary tools  for chapters and our communities to make available copies of the constituion to our members.

     Chapters territorial bounbaries will respected by our administration, and members who move from one chapter to another will be given 60 days to regularize the membership with their new chapter. 

     Our administration  will propose a committee of Eminent persons , to be comprise of former presidents and elders.

     We will take a closer look at the way we elect our leaders, our aims are to propose a voting system to the board of directors that is smart, economical and unifying in nature, we will argue for a system that will allow Grand Gedeans to vote in their chapters and localities.
Sound Leadership
Understanding that the success of any efficiently run organization is based on how sound and organized its leadership team is, Team Dadoua being a group of dedicated Grand Gedeans with an impeccable record of long service to this organization promised to lead this organization in a sound and professional manner; we will lead from a corporate perspective which in our belief is based on productivity, growth and expansion.

     We will provide a sound and efficient leadership that can meet the challenges and service needs of our membership and develop sound policies that will draw members closer in a consistent manner. Our strength lies in our proven record of service to our beloved GGAA and knowing how to co-exist with every facet of our community.

     Our administration’s administrative policies will be sent to the board for approval in the first 100 days of our tenure.

     We will put together a strong membership committee that will be well funded budget wise. The chairman or members of the committee will be able to visit every chapter and all localities to familiarize themselves with activities in those areas. The Administration will mandate the committee to raise the membership fee for all members to $10. 00 annually. This fee will be paid by every Grand Gedean in every locality.  Our administration will propose an elimination of the $300.00 chapter dues that is been paid presently by every chapter.  

     We will allocates funds in our annual budget to be used for chapters, districts organizations, sectional and social organizations to implement project in the county

Efficient Service delivery systems
 Team Dadoua promise to create three service delivery systems namely Education services, health and sanitation services and social services.
We are fully aware of our place in the country when it comes to education; we are at the bottom of the pile. We need to be aggressive at all levels to encourage our young boys and girls to make learning to read and write a priority. We at Dadoua will focus our resources mostly on providing the needed foundation for our kids, we will invest heavily in

     Early childhood education, it is our belief that the foundation that each child gained at the beginning of their educational sojourn is vital to their overall development.
     We will make sure that each student from 6 grades down in the county will get at least the necessities that will encourage them to stay in school, things like exercise books, pencil sharpener and a back pack.
     We will work with our districts officials to obtain basic data on every elementary school in the district. Those data will be used by our Ways and Means and the Education and training committees to do proper planning and come up with ideas as to how can provide  needed services to those schools.
     We will provide incentives for teachers to remain in their areas of assignments in the county especially teachers who reside in the remote areas of the county.
     As a long term goal we will study the possibility of a school lunch programs for our kindergarten and elementary schools kids in the county.
     For our college students we will propose to the board directors of GGAA to stripe our present scholarship program and replace it with a blanket tuition payment at public universities in the country.
     We will scout smart students in all Junior and Senior high schools in the country from Grand Gedeh to encourage them through aggressive incentives and scholarships programs to go in the field of nursing, medicine, engineering and law.
     Provide allotment in our budget and collaborate with county officials to provide
basic training for skilled and unskilled labor for Grand Gedeans back home. It is our beliefs that for Grand Gedeans to be competitive in acquiring those jobs that will be created from the logging and the mining industries in the county they must have the basic trainings that employers will need.
Health and Sanitation  
We are cognizant of the fact that our health care delivery facilities in the county are in shambles, we wouldn’t be in the position to fix everything overnight. We have to be realistic in our approach. We will be as consultative as we can be with our officials on the ground in finding ways to alleviate the suffering of our people health wise. Team Dadaoua will begin work starting on the first day of her administration with international philanthropic organizations; some of our citizens who we feel have the capacity and donor organization to bring to light the terrible conditions of our hospital and other healthcare facilities in the county.
We will after consulting with partners establish a long term goal of totally revitalizing of our health care delivery systems, those goals will include but not limited to establishing a presidential commission of 12 healthcare professionals that will in 3 months time do feasibility study of the hospital. Their works will include visitation to the hospital to produce a documentary and interviews of health of local health officials. Based on their findings and recommendations, the administration will embark on an aggressive fund raising campaign to start renovation by the summer of 2041.
In the interim we will work along with county officials in order to provide basic sanitation services to the city of Zwedru, and its environs.  Our immediate short term goals will include the followings:

     We pledge to provide continuous electricity at the hospital; our administration will open a direct line of communication with the hospital where the president in consultation with his advisors on health matters will have a conference call with hospital administrators once a month.
     We will build three public toilets in designated area in the county for sanitation purposes.We will make sure that there is running water at the hospital at all times
     Working with the established presidential commission on health and sanitations the administration will carryout 2 basic drugs drive twice a year to help the hospital with needed over the counter drugs
     Provide incentives for at least 3 trained nurses to remain the county at all time.
Social services  
     We will identify resources and opportunities that will improve, develop, and enhance the living condition of Grand Gedeans in the Diasporas. Whether it is in the area of education, health, and social welfare. Our website will be used as a resourceful tool where our members can go to search for jobs opportunities, help in filing  out applications for school, financial aid help, providing basic information on available scholarships programs and articles on adult illiteracy programhed

     We establish a technical committee in our first  60 days to work with city officials and  our law makers to revisit agreement on the operation of the Putu mountain. Our focus will be on the social funds , job creation and the environmental impact on the surrounding communities.
     We  will empower all our committees, especially our Membership and the Education and Training committee to work with all of our chapters and localities to create a transition for new comers coming in to the US for smooth transition and integration into the American society by orientating them and identifying resources and opportunity to make life easy. Such as identifying and referring them to resource centers and facilities such as Immigration office, government centers, or health care facilities.

     We will work with the Ways and Means committee to  aggressively engage  the leaders of the Pennsylvania chapter in the city of Philadelphia our headquarter  to secure a property to be use as our community center.  Our short tterm goal will be to get an office space in first 100 days.

     We will encourage and award Grand Gedeans for outstanding achievements and accomplishments so as to create an atmosphere of positive competition and meaningful progress in the live of Grand Gedeans. Areas of accomplishment include but not limited to academic achievements, humanitarian services, and voluntary services, among others

     In the short term we will collaborate with Zwedru city government to provide us with an office space that will be use as our point of contact and a resource center. This office will be furnished with  computers, a fax machines and an internet system. There will be a staff that will be compensated by the union. This office and resource center will be the face of Grand Gedeh association in the Americas in the county

     In the near future it is our hope to secure a piece of land in Zwedru, where a modern office complex will be erected to house the Grand Gedeh Associations in the Americas.

This is the vision of TEAM DADOUA, we are committing ourselves to the total Reformation of the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas, it is our pledge that we will stop at nothing in the achievement of these service oriented goals for our county and people.  We believe that now is the time to step up to the plate to provide our expertise using our long record of service and using what we have we learned from working at all level with past administrations to  make GGAA the best she can be. TEAM DADOUA has been there, she understands GGAA and knows how to make things happen. All we ask of you is to give us that chance and we will promise you will not regret it, for we firmly believe that we are ready and we are well nurtured for the task. Also we want to stress that it behooves everyone of us to demand from those that are aspiring to lead this noble body to provide a vision that is clear and concise, this is ours to you the people of Grand Gedeh.

 “Building an Accountable, Transparent and an Efficient Service Delivery GGAA as well as adheres to the rule of law of our institution”

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