Monday, November 4, 2013

Part 1: Grand Gedeh Senatorial Contenders: What’s In Their Briefcases?

Top L-R; Sen. Isaac Nyenabo, Rep. Zoe Pennue and Mr. Marshall Dennis.
Middle: Mr. George Dweh, Madam Cecelia Towah, Mr. Samuel Doe, Jr., and Charles Breeze.
Bottom: George Boley, Cyrus Cooper (no pic), Thomas Yaya Nimely and William Glay

By Gibson W. Jerue

The premise
By July 2014 the National Election Commission will be hosting a nation-wide election for 15 senators. Like Grand Gedeh, created in 1963, is quite a big county with 10, 276 square kilometer. The County has three districts – Tchien, Gbarzon and Konobo. Grand Gedeh’s population is put at 132, 638 but not all are registered voters. This number includes men women and children. For electoral purpose some 11 people will be vying for the county’s senior senatorial seat, seeking to boot out the man who has sat in that seat for nearly eight years – Isaac Nyenabo.

Tchien District is the smallest with 2,028 km2 land mass but with the highest population density placed at 65,130 people. There is good reason for that. Zwedru which is the capital city of the county alone has 23, 903 people living there with 11, 828 male and 12, 075 female, according to research. This is the District that Zoe Emmanuel Pennue represents.

Gbarzon District is the second most populated with 41, 203 people. But it is the second biggest District with the land mass of 4, 048 square kilometer. Although not all of its population is a voting member, most people see this as a plus. That means political campaign here must be huge if anybody should win the 2014 senatorial election for the County. This is the district that Alex Chesia Grant represents.

The biggest District in Grand Gedeh is the Konobo Statutory District. It has 4,200 square kilometer land mass. However, this big land has the least number of Grand Gedeans living it. The District has the population of 26,305. This is the district that Morias Waylee represents.

Now that we have laid the premise, and assuming that all our facts are right, let’s know how many people have the desire to challenge Senior Senator Isaac Nyenabo. But before that, why has Isaac’s position become a hot commodity? Does he have a chance? Why we prefer to look at his chances in subsequent articles, here are the names of those we already know who intend or have declared their intention to run for the 2014 senatorial seat for Grand Gedeh County:

With Mr. Nyenabo in mind, we have Thomas Yaya Nimely, George S. Boley, George Dweh, Marshall Dennis and Zoe E. Pennue. Others are Samuel Kanyon Dor, Jr., Cyrus Cooper, Cecelia Towah, Charles Breeze and William K. Glay.

Which one of these sons and daughter is best suited to represent the people of Grand Gedeh County? We will find out.
other counties, Grand Gedeh County is gearing up for October 2014 to elect a man or woman who would replace Senior Senator Isaac Nyenabo, who has served in that capacity for nearly eight years. Under the Liberian Constitution, a senior senator serves for nine years for the position to be declared vacant. Isaac Nyenabo’s position will be declared vacant in July as the NEC launches what it calls “Project Year”.

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