Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Elijah Dweh Sampson – Arrested For Prostitution and Sex Crime

When he was immigrating into the United States, Elijah Dweh Sampson told immigration officers that he was born November 1, 1980, making him 35 years and 35 days old. I will address his age in a separate article at a latter date. But let’s take care of some important issues Elijah has with his life in the United States.

His crime case number is 2013023196, and he has been arrested multiple times for various offenses. I will discuss these crimes one by one. For this article, I will only focus on his record when he was arrest for committing sex crime and crime associated with prostitution. Here is the man who continues to insult and attack me all over the Facebook. A man who was involved in sex crime and prostitution, how could he ever think I will miss this?

I wonder how could Elijah boast of being so clean a person that he insults all of his big brothers and elders, when he has multiple criminal records to nurse. The screenshot above shows Elijah as he was busted and slammed with the crime of “F/Sex Crime C/Prostitution.

Details of the sex crime and prostitution-related crime will follow subsequently. In my next article, I will bring you details of how Elijah got dismissed from Hammer Residence, a group home in Minnesota, and other criminal activities he has been involved in plus the details of how Elijah was involved with sex crime and with prostitutes before he was arrested.

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