Monday, September 3, 2012

GGAA-North Dakota Chapter Establishes Samuel Kanyon Doe Lecture Series

September 3, 2012

For Immediate Release

Gibson Jerue - President GGAA-ND

Following concerted planning, the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas North Dakota Chapter (GGAA-ND) has established a lecture forum in honor of the 20th President of the Republic of Liberia, Dr. Samuel Kanyon Doe. The forum, titled, "Samuel Kanyon Doe Lecture Series" is intended to raise awareness of the development instinct of the late Liberian President. The lecture series will also discuss the good attributes of the late President, while using the forum to carry out educational activities among members of the GGAA-ND Chapter.

The lecture series will be held monthly. Various city, state and federal agency personalities will be invited to lecture on crucial issues members of the Chapter grapple with daily.

The formal launching ceremony will be held on Saturday, September 29, 2012. Committees for the hosting of the first lecture forum and a ball dance were set up in a well-attended meeting in Fargo, North Dakota on Monday, September 3, 2012 evening. The meeting brought together both old and younger members, who unanimously embraced the program as was explained and sold by the Chapter President, Mr. Gibson W. Jerue.

Meanwhile, letters of invitation are being drafted by the Secretary of the Chapter, Mr. Jenkins Tarwo to be sent to Chapter presidents and VIPs within the GGAA. The meeting has also agreed and requested the Chapter President Jerue to extend a formal invitation to the GGAA National President, Mr. Tilman Collins and his Veep, Board Chairman Eric Kohn, and other officers of the National Executive Committee, members of Board, as well as Ms. Celue Doe, daughter of the late President to grace the September 29, 2012. The meeting ended with a light refreshment of drinks and soda.

Gibson W. Jerue
Phone: 612-607-9281

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