Monday, October 1, 2012

14 Reasons For The Revocation of Madam Sirleaf's Award

October 1, 2012

11.     She is the “Iron Lady” of Liberia. As truly defined by her nickname, Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is the singular most symbol of everything called “evil” and “plagues” that have devastated the small West African country—Liberia. She has not only masterminded almost of all the uprisings, coup d’états, dissidents’ invasion, raids and civil wars that have negatively changed the socio-economic and political outlook of a nation that once was the beckon of hope for many African nations and pro-democracy campaigners and freedom fighters, but also she has actually spearheaded a cartel of politicians bent on destroying the country, preying on and killing the masses of our people to enthrone themselves.

22.   After living more than 65 years Sirleaf finally penned her memoir that totally spoke in different tone from the true colors of the woman whose tongue is a lethal weapon, and whose imagination was nothing less than anarchy. She projected herself as a darling of the people in her memoirs, but her popularity in the country is decimal. And as if nobody knows her deeds, Madam Sirleaf distorted most damning stories that should have served as clearly indictable pieces of information. She cleaned herself up and set up herself on top of the hill as the brightest star that Liberians should reverent and to clap for her as the progenitor of a new dawn.

33.     Madam Sirleaf does not deserve even a thank you, lest to talk about the acclaimed Nobel Peace Prize. How could anyone say thanks to her for ruining the lives of women and children who were the main victims of the vicious campaign to take state power through the barrel of the gun? It is a travesty of morality and justice that she should be someone displaying the coveted Nobel Prize in her living room after masterminding the spilling of blood of innocent people. As indicated by its name and nomenclature, those who receive a Nobel are noble people, people without the stain of blood on their hands, people whose compassion for humanity is a testament of love and care for the people and commitment to peace and tranquility. Madam Sirleaf is the direct opposite of it all.  Those who deserve a Nobel must have first shown glaring efforts to create and/or maintain peace in their home countries. It is said that internal policy cements international policy. If she could not give her brothers and sisters bread to eat at home, how could she boast of giving outsiders wheat to party and survive?

44.    The TRC was charged with multiple responsibilities: The mandate of the TRC was to document Liberia’s past nightmares, including civil uprisings, economic crimes, political disobedience, military interventions in the political governance process, wreckage of the rule of law, flagrant abuses of human rights, disrespect for and disingenuous pursuit of democratic governance, outright corruption and graft by public officials by successive regimes, deceitful assignments of concessions to bogus companies, and other vices that have devoured out people for more than 160 years, between 1979 and 2003. It was also charged with the task to engender reparation, prosecution and make other recommendations as deemed fit for peace and transitional justice. But what did Madam Sirleaf do to it? She killed it! As per the TRC Final Report, and far before you awarded her the prize, she was an official fugitive, refusing to obey the 30 years ban from holding public office in the Republic of Liberia. And although she killed TRC, Nobel Peace Committee buried the TRC Final Report. Your action has emboldened evil-incarnates that no matter how many precious souls one send to their early graves, Nobel could praise you as good person.

55. Fourteen years of wars, miseries, catastrophes, mayhem and break down of rule of law was completely the making of one Liberian woman—Ellen Johnson Sirleaf! If Madam Sirleaf can receive a Nobel, why not give one to ruthless and tyrannical ruler Charles Taylor? Could the Nobel Committee have awarded Adolf Hitler this prestigious prize? Why not award a Nobel to President Omar Bashir of Sudan? The implications of your action have far-reaching impact in the forming of opinion about Nobel among Liberians, and it raises question as to whether the Nobel Peace Committee respects the sanctity of life at all. No doubt I believe you do, and that is why I am confident that you will do the right thing to preserve the principle and ideals that have guided this process for years. President Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf should be striped of the Nobel Peace Prize that she was cheaply awarded, Her name will corrupt it and it would mean nothing to the people of Liberia.

66.  Madam Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf was one of many Liberian politicians and mischief makers who planned, strategized and executed the Nimba Raid that led to the death of tens of people, especially in Nimba County. She induced her godson, the late Gen. Thomas G. Quiwonkpa to stage a revote against the Samuel Doe regime in 1983. That plan did not go well, and in the process Liberia did not only lose one of its finest military general, Robert Saye, but also scores of innocent civilians died.

77.   Sir, I should remind you of what your committee published on the Nobel Foundation website, which states, “The Peace Prize is one of five prizes that have been awarded annually since 1901 under the auspices of the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm for outstanding contributions in the fields of physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. Whereas the other prizes are awarded by specialist committees based in Sweden, the Peace Prize is awarded by a committee appointed by the Norwegian Storting. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize must to go to whoever "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

88.   The peace prize is awarded to a person who has done the “most or the best work” for “…fraternity between nations.” Can Nobel Peace Committee convince the people of Liberia and the world how did Madam Sirleaf work for fraternity, and between which nations? This is a mockery to say the least! This “Iron Lady has never even worked for fraternity between Liberian tribes, how anyone could think she has worked for fraternity between nations. The Liberian people are interested in knowing what specific work she did to build friendship between and among nations? Can the Nobel Committee give us just two countries on earth that Madam Sirleaf worked and brought together in peace?

99.   As if that was not enough a slap in the faces of the Liberian people, the Nobel Peace Committee says Madam Sirleaf worked for the “abolition or reduction of standing armies. Where? Which Country? This defies truth. Madam Sirleaf was busy forming rebel groups and financing them to come and kill her own people. The Liberian people are so disappointed that such an acclaimed international prize could go to someone who helped to kill nearly 250,000 of her fellow compatriots.

110. That Madam Sirleaf was awarded the peace prize because she worked “for the holding and promotion of peace congresses” is humiliating, to say the least. Which peace congresses or conferences can be attributed to Madam Sirleaf, for God’s sake? We, Liberians, need to know how did this president actually promote peace congresses, and where? Before she became president, she held meetings and only discussed rebel formation, or appeared at the U.S Congress to ask that august body to strangulate her own people, begging the U.S to impose sanction on the entire nation because she did not like the sitting president. When she attended Liberian peace conferences, she only went there for the Liberian people to make her head of government. Which international conference does the Nobel Committee know about that Madam Spearheaded, like Kofi Annan is doing now, that we don’t know about? It is a complete slap in our faces by awarding peace prize to someone who made hell of our lives.

111.  As we speak, the blood of those she helped rushed to their early graves are crying to God for justice. And it is just a matter of time that God would grant their supplications. And for those of us who are alive, we only want justice and that justice will come no matter whether she was very old, walking with cane, blind, and/or can’t hear, and hardly walking. The Liberian people will do anything, even to sit her in the wheel chair and wheel her into the court house to face her accusers, the Liberian people. All the Nobel Peace Prize can do is to work in the interest of the Liberian people and stripe Madam Sirleaf of that prestigious prize.

112.  A person who instigates political turmoil, strife, rebellions, arm struggle and anarchy is not qualified to get the Nobel Peace Prize. During the Nimba Raid, several Nimbaians were arrested, detained and later released. Those were Kaloungo Luo, Moses Duopu and others. While in detention at the National Security Agency (NSA) Kaloungo Luo admitted that they “put Quiwonkpa into this thing,” and confessed that “it was Madam Sirleaf’s idea”, but nobody bought his accusation then.

113.  Lest we forget Madam Sirleaf’s brainchild, the abortive Invasion of November 1985. At this time, the failure of Nimba Raid had emboldened Sirleaf, Quiwonkpa, Prince Johnson, and the late Isaac Musah. This was time when blood flow in the streets of Monrovia, all due to Madam Sirleaf machinations.

114.  Please be reminded also, sir, of Nobel’s objectives on peace award. According to Nobel's will, the Peace Prize is to go to whoever "shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

Madam Sirleaf does not fit any of the conditions that qualify one to merit the Nobel Peace Prize. If she should merit anything, it should be handcuffs and a spot behind iron bars because that is how justice will be served. If you revoke Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf’s prize, you will have done justice in the first instance for and on behalf of the three-and-half million Liberians craving for justice everyday of their lives. My Grandmother could not live enough to see Madam Sirleaf facing the claws of the law, but before God called her at 100 plus years, she said to me: “My son, Chehlee (Sirleaf) must pay for everything she has done…” With a Nobel Prize in her corner, my grandmother spirit remains restless, as thousands of babies who were prematurely delivered with the piecing of their mother’s belly, so as the thousands of young girls, as young as 5 years, who were raped by rebels Madam Sirleaf paid to do her dirty works. 

Gibson W. Jerue
Journalist, Author & Advocate
North Dakota Chapter
4701 17th Ave SW, Apt 306
Fargo, ND 58103

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