Monday, October 1, 2012

Letter To Nobel Peace Committee

Gibson W. Jerue
Journalist, Author & Advocate
North Dakota Chapter
4701 17th Ave SW, Apt 306
Fargo, ND 58103
October 1, 2012

The Chairman

Nobel Peace Committee

Henrik Ibsens gate 51
NO-0255 Oslo, Norway

Attn: Thorbjørn Jagland, Chairman


Dear Mr. Chairman:

My name is Gibson W. Jerue, a Liberian journalist of 24-year experience, an author and advocate. I presently reside in Fargo, North Dakota, United States of America.

Firstly, I want to extend my thanks and appreciation to you, Mr. Chairman, and the five members of your committee, to include, Madam Kaci Kullmann Five, Deputy Chairperson; Madams Inger-Marie Ytterhorn, Berit Reiss-Andersen, and Mr. Gunnar Stålsett, all members. I must honestly say that your recognition of personalities around the world for the tireless effort they have made to make the world a better place has helped to transform the outlook of humanity. The Nobel Peace Prize is indeed a model laurel that every good man or woman craves to win. Certainly, every nation and people would be proud to see their son or daughter winning such a prestigious award, but in President Sirleaf’s case, the Liberian people are ashamed to even identify with the award given her. They do not know how to explain how she qualified for the award as there is no single evidence of criteria that qualifies one for a Nobel that Madam Sirleaf has achieved at any time of her life.

However, sir, I am petitioning your noble committee to revoke the award given to Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, President of the Republic of Liberia. She does not deserve it because she has done nothing peaceful all her life, but organizing rebellions to wreck a nation that she claimed to love. She is the tormentor-in-chief of the Liberian people, financing and directing armed groups, and paying for the drugging of child soldiers with her lifesavings. She has confessed that she lavished $10,000 on the NPFL rebel organization; although her rebel partners claimed it was $20,000. This money went to guns, ammunition and drugs for child soldiers to fight her proxy war.

By awarding her the Nobel Prize, you have knowingly or unknowingly put a slap in the faces of Liberians, both living and those whose bones were crushed by Madam Sirleaf’s paid murderers. The reasons to revoke her prize are hereto attached for your consideration.
Counting your understanding of the plight of the Liberian people, I pray you relieve the people of Liberia by striping Madam Sirleaf of that prestigious prize. Nobel belongs to the likes of Nelson Mandela, Desmond Tutu, Leymah Gbowee, and other noble personalities of the world.
Yours Truly,

Gibson W. Jerue
Phone: 612-607-9281

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