Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Nobel Foundation Replies To My Letter

Nobel Foundation's Response

RE: Petition requesting revocation of President Sirleaf's Nobel Prize
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FROM: Geir Lundestad 

TO: Postmaster

CC: mongboe2002@yahoo.com
Message flagged
Tuesday, October 2, 2012 3:16 AM

Gibson W. Jerue,

For your information: According to the statutes of the Nobel Foundation it is not possible to revoke a Nobel Prize.

Geir Lundestad
Director, Professor
The Norwegian Nobel Institute
Phone: +47 22129300

Henrik Ibsens gt. 51
NO-0255 Oslo

From: Postmaster
Sent: 2. oktober 2012 10:05
To: Geir Lundestad
Subject: FW: Petition requesting revocation of President Sirleaf's Nobel Prize

From: Gibson W. Jerue [mailto:mongboe2002@yahoo.com]
Sent: 2. oktober 2012 00:36
To: Postmaster; africa@bbc.co.uk; africa@voanews.com; alloycious david; Alphonso Zean; Alphonsus Zeon; Alphonso Zean- Soe; Benjamin Boway; bbest@liberianobserver.com; Benedict Thomas; Nora Solo Moore; boiyeadu fasuekoi; Bruce Wiah; D. Kaihenneh Sengbeh; Darkollie Sumo; Delbra Dennis; Sengbeh D K; Ellis Togba; Ellis D Togba; Edith Wolo; Franck Petit; THE EXAMINER; George Jerue; Gibson Jerue; Henry Flomo; Herbert Johnson; Ignatius George; JEREMIAH SOKAN; Jerry Zeah; Grody Dorbor; Kenneth Smith; konnlove@aol.com; Lassan Soe; media2h2@yahoo.com; Medina Wesseh; musue_1@yahoo.com; musuehaddad@hotmail.com; musuehaddad@yahoo.com; natdaye@yahoo.com; Nathan Mulbah; Newspaper Heritage; Newspaper Analyst; Ora Garway; othellogarblah@yahoo.com; Peter Quaqua; Piso Saydee; rodney.sieh@frontpageafricaonline.com; Sam W. Johnson; Samuel Abu; samwar2005@yahoo.com; Slewion Togba; Stanley Seakor; Syrenius Cephus; Tarplah Coleman; zarshakoolor@yahoo com; Zeze Ballah
Subject: Petition requesting revocation of President Sirleaf's Nobel Prize

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