Friday, January 11, 2013

Gedeh Youths Host Mass Meeting Sunday In Monrovia

I talked to the President of the Gbarzon District Youth, Mr. Arthur Tenty, who is also senior member of the Grand Gedeh youth consortium, and he told me that the youths of the county will be hosting a mass meeting on Sunday, January 6, 2013 in Monrovia.

The meeting is expected to bring together youths from the three districts of the Grand Gedeh County, all of whom are concerned about their brothers in prison. Cardinal issue to be discussed is the plight of the 27 Grand Gedeans, currently detained at the Monrovia Central Prison. Nine of the 27 have been formally charged, while 18 of them are yet to know their charges. The issue of funding the two lawyers will also be high on the agenda.

According to Mr. Tenty, the Sunday meeting will be graced by Miss Doris Jarlee, a member of the Grand Gedeh Association who is visiting Monrovia, and who is said to be gathering facts about the detention of the Grand Gedeans.

Mr. Tenty said radio announcements are running currently to encourage large attendance of the Gedeh youths. "Mr. Willie Dweh gave us some money to pay for announcements," Mr. Tenty told me. He spoke highly of Doris and Mr. Dweh's engagement with the process.

If everything goes as planned, I have asked to speak with the youths via phone to give them my perspective. I have participated in similar meetings in the past and spoken to the youths.

Meanwhile, I am asking the President of the GGAA, Mr. Tilman Collins, to call in and speak with the youths. I offer to contribute an unlimited phone call to connect the GGAA president to the meeting for one hour, and more if he desires. This is my way of contributing to the process, and is in no way suggesting that the GGAA president cannot foot his personal phone call. To avoid personality contest, I would prefer not to speak with the youths if the President will be addressing them, that is I am positive he will.

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