Friday, January 11, 2013

I'm Slowing Down on the 27 Grand Gedeans Issue

Hi everyone, as of today, I am slowing down on the plight of the 27 Grand Gedeans in jail, some without charges. I am getting the signal that the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas (GGAA) has set up a committee, and some representatives of the Association are making efforts to get to the bottom of the situation. This is good news and I welcome it. Although we may have used our energy, resources, time and put our reputation, profession and everything on the line to stand up to the government, we do not feel the dividend must be personal.

The GGAA is the singular organization that we all subscribe to. Hence, if there are issues with Grand Gedeans and the administration is making efforts, whether slow or fast, there is a need to give the administration a chance to have a smooth sailing. My sources tell me that Mr. Tilman Collins is getting engaged with the process and that is a very welcome news. In a way, he should have his way of approaching the situation to find solution the way he knows best as administrator. That too is a good thing.

Since June this year, I and others have been keeping the issue of our brothers afloat. This is not about us. It is about Grand Gedeh County and its citizens. There is no special glory we seek in this. It does not mean if we start the process, we should end it. In fact, by our own way of dealing with issues, it may complicate the work of the GGAA; hence, we must give way to the larger organization to take over for now. That does not mean we are completely disengaged. We are not far and if need be we will do what can do best.

In the process of advocating, and in our activism, we may have hurt some people along the way that we don't intend. In advocacy, you have to destroy everything that may stop you or serve as a bottleneck to achieving you objectives. If we are fanning off the attacks and characterization from outsiders, we don't expect our own people to call us names that outsiders call us. The same stick we use to beat off the detractors out there will be used to beat off anyone who use words that outsiders use against us. Personally, I love every Grand Gedean I can stick my neck for anyone of them any day. But I cannot stand to see one of them destroy me while I am trying to rescue our brothers. On this note I would like to apologize on my own behalf and any members of the Concerned Grand Gedeans who may have done or said anything to hurt anybody. It is not on purpose.

I am appealing to all Grand Gedeans to lend their support to the GGAA administration in whatever way, financially, materially, as you have always done. I must quickly say also that all Grand Gedeans working for the government should please serve as a bridge to achieving justice for our brothers. You cannot destroy us before you try to help out.

To the President of GGAA and the administration, we are available to assist in ways that we could. Like I told Doris Jarlee when I provided those phone numbers to her to make the contacts she is making, this thing concerns us, not one person. Honestly, I am overwhelmed too about these troubles, having to deal with all the loyalists of government and Madam Sirleaf. I like to cool off and concentrate on my family and redirect my family business.

My special thanks to all members to the Concerned Grand Gedeans, and those who have encouraged us to stick in there. I cannot imagine your support. My wife, though from Nimba County and has been supportive of me, is very proud of Grand Gedeans handling their own business. She wants me to thank you all.


Gibson W. Jerue,
Journalist. Author. Advocate.

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