Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Marcus Marsh: The Man With Mindset Of Money Now, Children Later

Marcus Marsh
Part III: It’s All About Claiming Children Tax Return
On January 12, 2013 at 7:15am, Marcus Marsh exhibit his usual unruly behavior again when he wrote me a very scathing inbox message calling my wife names. Why was he doing this, I had no idea. I was shock that he would always talk nasty about the woman I love and called my wife. Then I concluded in my mind that if this man could behave the he did, there was very good reasons why this woman was forced to leave. I wondered what kind of man was he that a woman left him and he would  send messages to her husband saying stuff about her. At some point I felt like others suggested that he was hurting that he lost a very good woman for a wife.

So, I wrote this message to him: “Here is my first and last advice to you. Don't harass my wife, don't intimidate her, don't bully her, and you must respect her now and forever. She owes you nothing, except that you have two sweet little kids by her that we use our salary money to buy them their needs. I would expect you will be concerned about your son and daughter's education as I am doing every day to make them good kids, but if your concern is engaging my wife in silly conversation, you will stop now! You will respect yourself and not start any conversation that does not center around your kids. A hint to the wise should be sufficient!”

Marcus did not get it. On January 29, 2013 at 10:57am, he wrote me another message. He told me to tell my wife that he had already filed taxes claiming his son. He said, “I claimed Terrance this year. Please let her know…” I read the message and wondered if Marcus has common sense. I replied and told him that he was proceeding wrongly. I asked him why he didn’t tell the children’s mother before doing anything like that. Marcus called me shortly after reading my message and said, “I don’t want to talk to her. In fact, they are my children too, so I don’t have to tell her…” For some reasons, I will not go any further so as not to bring the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) breathing on his neck.

But there is a line of thought I wanted to point out. This is the man who rejected joint custody of his children before Judge Talbert of the Superior Court of Jersey in Essex County. He was given time, at least two appointment visits that if he failed to honor them the mother should not allow him any more to contact the children. He missed those two appointments and few others. This is the man who was told to go back to the court to seek joint custody but he has since failed to do so. This guy signed a court order that banned him from contacting his children. Here he was telling me that he claimed his son that he has no custody of and that he would not tell the mother, but I should be his messenger. You should also remember just recently, he told my wife that he was traveling from New York to Fargo and wanted to come to our home to see his children but he did not want to talk to me. And my wife told him that she was in Africa and if he wanted to see the children he should call and inform me that he was coming. What manner of father he is?

I absolutely have no problem with he and my wife discussing about the children, and they did many times. I respect my wife's right to talk with and discuss with anybody. Besides, this guys appeared too pathetic to me that I wanted to see him out of his folly. In fact, on several occasions I had told my wife to ease up on him so that he could re-collect himself and come back in his children’s life. Yes, he pays $30 per child per week. And I have persuaded my wife for last six years not to seek review of the child support to raise the payment.

The shocking thing is he does not call when the kids’ birthday comes up; he does not call them on holiday like Thanksgiving Day, Christmas or New Year. In fact, his daughter’s birthday was January 10 and you would not believe this guy did not call this little girl to say ‘happy birthday’. He made me laugh when he wrote me this message: “I told her (that is my wife) to allow me claim my son or daughter. If she does, I will give her $1,500 every year for the kids college tuitions but she said no…” He claims he has been supporting his kids (yes, indeed with $30 per week per child). Do we figure what is wrong with this guy? He probably needs serious help. This message came about when he called my wife and said on the phone (and my wife put it on speaker), “I think I need to help you with saving some money for the children’s college.” My wife agreed with him. Then he said, “So you should just let me claim one of them, then I will send you some money for their college.” My wife asked him, “So you cannot save money for their college unless you claim them for tax return? I knew that is why you called. The whole year you didn’t call but when tax return is around the corner, then you call to negotiate. Why don’t you send them gifts sometimes…” I was there laughing my guts out at a father who is waiting for tax return to save up money for his children's college education.

So in response to his message I wrote this: “Honestly, it beats my imagination that you will be talking about support, Marcus. I know so much already that I am not easily bought by your claims. The other day I tried to hide the court documents which quoted you as telling the court that you would have nothing to do with the kids. Mistakenly she found it again and you should be thinking how your kids will take to you when they read that piece of document in the future. If I were you, I would be the nicest and make her feel at ease…Instead of playing this cheap politics with your kids, you better demean yourself and get the better parts of your kids. I advocate for you every day, telling her to drop the child support, to let the kids spend some time with you, etc, and you are here pretending to be the Mr. Nice and attempting to corrupt the name of my wife to me?”

In part four, I will dwell on other specific behavior pattern of Marcus Marsh. Follow the series.

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