Sunday, January 19, 2014

Marcus Marsh: The Uncouth Father Of My Step Children

Marcus Marsh
Part I: An Ingrate’s Malicious and Kooky Display Of Absurdity
After a cumbersome 17 hours at work, I retired to my bedroom to sleep away the fatigue of long hours at job. My youngest son, Brason, was bugging me for my laptop that he had almost mastered. On the other side of the living room, my daughter (actually my stepdaughter) Denise was grazing through the new kindle edition of a book I just bought. My son (also stepson) Terence was fumbling through the cupboard to find some sweets. It was 11:00am and I had just got home. I thought this was the best time to get my sleep, for by 3:00pm I was expected to return to work and stay till the next morning at 8:00 clock.

As soon as I laid my head on my exclusive brown pillars that my wife bought, it was already 12:15pm. In the trance of things, I was dosed off. But that sweet sleep was to be rudely awakened by the doorbell rang by police officers from the first floor. “Who the hell the friend who is coming to visit again without first informing me,” I said to myself. I was wrong.

As I walked to see who it was that interrupted my mid-day slumber, a police officer showed his face. His partners left downstairs. “Are you Gibson,” he asked. I responded in the positive. The officer eyes embraced Denise who was standing by me. “One Marcus Marsh complained you are denying him of seeing his children. Is this one of his children (pointing at Denise)…” he did not finish before he communicated on his radio handset. “The step dad is home and I think the kids are here too…,” the officer said to his partner who did not reach on our third floor apartment.

Just before I could ask officer, he was already asking Denise questions. “Sir, you don’t talk to my kids just like that. You should get my permission before you ask any of them question…and just in case you don’t know they have no idea of what Marcus told you. He complained me, not the children. The officer agreed with me and then asked my permission to ask the kids questions. I told not now until we finish what Marcus has reported to you.

By seeing this headline, you are gasping for details. And I will provide them. As most of you know me, I am an open book; in other words, everything about me is in the public. I don’t think I have a private life any more. Hence, most of you are not surprised that I will tell this to you. Besides, the man I dealt with, I am told, he is uncouth, an innate liar, a diabolical ingrate, pathologically disrespectful of people, and worst of all, he is kooky and seems to lack the decency that puts human beings in the class of civilized species.

My wife called my from Africa, specifically from Liberia, to inform me that her children’s father, one Marcus Marsh, had informed her that he would be coming to our home in Fargo, North Dakota, to see his two children. He lives in New York with his wife, I am told. My wife told him that she was in Africa and it would be appropriate he calls me directly to inform me since I was in Fargo. In a stunningly disrespectful manner, he told my wife that he does not want to talk to me. He told my wife, “Just pass on the message to him, but I don’t want to talk to him.” Of course, my wife was surprised. So then she told him, “Well, I will see how you will walk into the home to see your children when you don’t want to talk to the man who is taking care of them.” Their conversation ended. This man and his wife were traveling from New York to come to Fargo to see children he had not seen for six years, but he would not call to those who have been taking care of them. That is how kooky is can be.

And honestly, my wife knew Marcus was treading on slippery path. She knew Marcus was about to meet his disgrace naked and resounding. She knew it was very disrespectful of me because of several factors: It is I who currently is involved in the kids’ life. I set educational goals for them, do what father should, including but not limited giving them present when they give me B’s and A’s. When I was happy with Terence’s grades, I gave him my personal loaded laptop, not to talk about tablets to my A’s and B’s daughter, Denise. In fact, she has just brought me all A’s this last period and I am about to turn over my personal three-in-one cell phone (tablet, GPS and phone). It is I who go for parent-teacher meeting and discuss kids’ grades, education progress and learning goals with their teachers, and many other things that a father would do for his children. Personally, I love the kids, they are so much important; helping them with even their homework brings me so much pleasure. But for Marcus, he did not owe me even a courtesy call to inform me that he was coming to say see to the children for the first since nearly six years ago. Well, true, he may not owe me a courtesy call for the gratitude of taking care of his children, but for coming to my home, he sure owed me a notice.

On Friday, I left home by 3:00pm for a 17-hour work day. I was to stay till the next day 8:00am on Saturday. As usual, I called home to check on the children and their grandmother. My daughter (or rather Marcus’ daughter) picked the phone. Just before I say hi, I heard his voice. I asked who that was and he called his name. As soon as I asked what he was doing in my home without first calling me, the phone turned off. I called back and still asked. He said he had come with his wife to see his kids. Well, in my finest mood, I told him to get out within 30 minutes of talking to the children or I would call the police. That was not sufficient a warning for Marcus. When I called back, this guy was still there. So I called the police. I could not say some specific things to the 911 dispatcher who asked me as to what reason I wanted the man out. I simply told her, “I have not met this man before. I just called to check on my kids and suddenly his voice came on the phone. He did not call to inform me, and I am worried he could either kidnap the children or it might just be someone else.”  I did not want to embarrass Marcus about his encounter with the Essex County NJ court about his children. In my next article why my step children’s dad called the police on me, and I will publish the court order that bars Marcus Marsh from coming in contact with the children. Follow me read how some parents show no gratitude to people who do everything to make their kids happy. 

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