Sunday, June 8, 2014

GGAA Board Finally Orders Accounts Frozen

Joseph D. Dueh - GGAA National Board Chairman
It’s just a single word - moratorium - that is going to change the flagrant way and manner the finances and bank accounts of the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas (GGAA) were being handled. This is first step to stamping the pillaging of the GGAA coffers. And if the accounts were to be salvaged from depletion by the current Collins-Poah administration, the Board has come to the rescue.

The National Board of Directors of the GGAA is taking the bull by the horn, in a bid to ensure financial probity for the Association. Board members have ordered frozen all accounts of the Association in any and all commercial banking institutions within the United States, and anywhere else they might exist under the umbrella of the Union.

An email message sent to National President, Tilman N. Collins was quite clear. It was surmountable to “don’t withdraw any money, don’t discuss with any business people in effect of the accounts, don’t plan any program that will require your administration to spend a dime from the GGAA coffers”.

The Board seems firm and decisive. As the second highest decision-makers of the Association, they authorized their secretary to inform Mr. Collins, “The National Board of Directors is pleased to inform the Administration that moratorium is called on all GGAA Financial accounts.”

Board secretary Dennis Bowah referred Mr. Collins to Article X of the By-laws and Constitution of the GGAA, which provides that “five signatories are required for the GGAA’s accounts,” and noted that “until these signatories are affixed, it is deemed necessary by the Board to suspend financial transactions.”

The Board has mailed to Mr. Collins an official letter, signed by the Board Secretary Bowah, and approved by the newly elected Board Chairman, Joseph Dueh. In the letter, under reference: GGAA Accounts on Moratorium”, the Board ordered, “The National Board of Directors writes to inform your Administration that moratorium is called on all GGAA’s accounts, and until such moratorium is lifted, we strongly advise refraining from initiating, and or negotiating financial transactions with financial institutions with which GGAA does business.”

The Board reminded Mr. Collins of the constitutional lapses in the establishment, holding and maintaining accounts of the GGAA, and instructed that he take constitutional notice of Article X, Section 1€ of the Constitution which calls for five signatories to all accounts.

The Board’s decision to suspend all accounts and financial transactions of the Association derived from a vote of 21 to 3 votes in favor of suspending the accounts to ensure due diligence, financial probity and constitution adherence.

One of the accounts of the Association at the Wellsfargo Bank only carries the signature of the Treasurer, Richard Dayway, who did withdrawals unilaterally and dishes the money out to President Collins and national secretary Jonathan Gayechuway, without due reference to the Board, sources closed to the board have informed Daily Palaver Hut.

But the Board was resolved to correct the errors of the National Administration, appropriately placing the National President on notice that notarized letters have been sent to the financial institutions holding the moneys of GGAA informing them of constitutional breaches and to place a moratorium on the Association accounts.

In the letter, dated June 3, 2014, the Board introduced the names of five officials, including National President Tilman N. Collins, National Secretary Jonathan Gayechuway, and Treasurer Richard Dayway from the administration. Those introduced to represent the Board are National Chairman Joseph D. Dueh and Secretary Dennis J. Bowah.

Those five people are the constitutionally authorized signatories to any and all GGAA accounts as a way creating and upholding checks and balances within the union’s financial administration. That check and balance has eluded the Association for nearly two terms of the Collins administration with only him and Treasurer Dayway maintaining their signatures, sometimes Dayway alone on the Wellsfargo account.

Neither Collins nor Dayway has mustered the moral courage to correct the situation. In fact, Mr. Collins is currently allegedly instigating other subservient board members to oppose the Board's drive to correct the constitutional abuse being perpetrated by the administration.

 But the Board was quite adamant, saying, “The process is a priority and presumed to be expedite to delay in GGAA’s operation, and the Board will be honored to work with the Administration to speedily have these signatures affixed as soon as possible.”

And in their letter to the Banks, the Board wrote, “While this process of affixing signatures to the account(s) is in progress, the Board kindly request a moratorium on withdrawers from the account(s).

Meanwhile, the administration is yet to respond to the Board’s letter, not even an acknowledgement has so far been sent to the Board in respect of the second highest decision-making body of the Union.

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