Sunday, June 29, 2014

Like Ellen, Like Tilman – The Blood Of Vendetta In Their Veins

Right from start I can safely say President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf is contagiously vindictive. She would go at any length to seek to punish people who disagree with her. She devises many different devious and satanic ways to get at her real and perceived foes. She masters it and it appears that kind of bad blood runs not only in her but in the President of the Grand Gedeh Association in the Americas, Tilman Collins.

Let’s look at some ways Ellen has sort to pay back evil people who disagreed with her:

1)      Ellen and the late President Samuel Doe were never on good terms, although the latter saved her life during the early hours of the coup d’état that ushered in the People’s Redemption Council military junta. For the record, Ellen was arrested and detained during the middle part of the PRC regime. She fled the country into exile. Later, it became clear that she helped raise a rebellion group to overthrow the man she disliked most on earth. But not only that, she believes that since he is dead and gone, his people must suffer the blunt of it. So Ellen actualized her vendetta against the people of Grand Gedeh – i.e., the case with Charles Julu and Andrew Dorbor, the random arrest, torture and prolonged detention of young men from Grand Gedeh, the sidelining of educated Grand Gedeans in her political appointments, the withholding most time of Gedeh’s development funds, the strangulation of the Gedeh Community College, etc.

2)      She hated Edwin Snowe because the gentleman disagreed with her. To pay back she ensured, including bribing representatives to oust Mr. Snowe from the position of the Speaker of the House. It worked. 

3)      She asked Cletus Wotorson to back off from the standardbearer position of the Liberia Action Party in 1997 so that she become standardbearer of the party. Wotorson refused. Ellen bought over the Unity Party and became the Standardbearer. She was going to punish Wotorson later. To actualize that, she ensured in 2005 when she was now president that Wotorson lost the Pro-temp position to Isaac Nyenabo. Wotorson later won the same position when he carved into her praise singing. 

4)      John Morlu had his own share of the Ellen vendetta, something we all know of today. The point is Ellen does not forgive. She must pay back. She has in her the blood of Satan that considers evil as good and good as evil.

We all criticized President Sirleaf for her deliberate action. Tilman Collins does too. But let’s look at how much vendetta Tilman has running in his veins:

1)      Augustine Zulu has repeatedly disagreed with Tilman on his failure to ensure financial probity, clear and prudent leadership of the GGAA. What Tilman sought to do was to go on public radio and described Augustine in ways to bring disrepute to his name and that of his family. Collins talked openly about Augustine immigration status, and dirty stuffs oozed out of his mouth like he forgot he was the president of all Grand Gedeans in the Americas.

2)      Kwame Weeks, the man who propelled and polished the image of Tilman very high in the eyes of Grand Gedeans, was also victimized by Collins’ deadly vendetta. When Kwame suggested that the status of the women among us should be raised to another level and not just calling on them for cow killing, Tilman pitched Kwame against the women. They badmouthed him and Tilman disparaged Kwame. Don’t let me tell you how he told voters of the National Sixty Born in Des Moines, Iowa, that they should not vote for Kwame president because he was not a “proper” Grand Gedean.

3)      Think about Tilman first Secretary General, Grody Jacob Dorbor – he was completely sidelined because most times he disagreed with the manner in which the administration handled issues. Grody being a trained journalist believed that PR should not include saying dirty stuffs about people but the articulation of clear and distinct facts to convince the public. Tilman did not want that. For him, Grody’s punishment should be a complete ostracism. And it worked. We saw how Tilman violated the constituted by appointing an acting secretary general not approved by the board.

4)     Michael Gilman is the latest enemy – gosh! The man who made him president twice is his worst enemy today. Why? Simple. Michael would not allow Tilman and Jonathan Gayechuway to make a fool of him on the Facebook forum that he established. Overnight, Tilman and his unthinking team of administrators had suspended Gilman. When the public rose up, Gilman was reinstated but not before Tilman was highlighted in public forums. So, in Tilman’s veins run deep-seated hatred for the brother today, and if Tilman was standing at checkpoint and Gilman arrives there, he would be “dee-bee-die”. Everything Michael did was wrong, even if it made sense to every Grand Gedean.

The same satanic blood of vendetta that runs through Ellen runs through Tilman. In subsequent articles we will show how Tilman is dragging all of us in the pool of animosity, his divide and rule tactics, and amassing feeble-minded cronies and blind stooges, some calling themselves educated, to badmouth other Grand Gedeans in national administration meetings. Watch out!

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