Thursday, July 5, 2012

Part VII: 10 Reasons Why Madam Sirleaf Is Witch-hunting Grand Gedeans

By Gibson W. Jerue
Andrew Dorbor was persecuted, jailed for six months without charges, finally charged and taken to court and won the government of Liberia. Charles Julu (RIP) was arrested while he was struggling with high blood pressure and diabetes, jailed for three months without charges, finally charged, taken to court and he also won the government of Liberia. Ben Bah was the first to be dismissed for alleged corruption, government failed to take him to court to prove its case against him, and he is living with the stigma. Chris Bailey is declared wanted when his whereabouts are not in question; government is pursuing corruption charges on the report of the GAC audit that President Sirleaf had vowed not to implement when others were booked. There is somebody else from Grand Gedeh that fell in President Sirleaf’s dragnet of characterization of the Krahn people—William Karyee.

Another act of harassment, intimidation and characterization was hatching. Another act of witch-hunt was developing. Had William Karyee known from the onset that he was going to be rendered politically irrelevant; he would have rejected his nomination the first day it was announced. But only God knows the future, so William fell in the dragnet as his other brothers. He was rejoicing at the announcement that he would be the superintendent of his own people—the Grand Gedeans—breeze!

As the master gamer and chief planner of mischief, President Sirleaf operatives got to work. Guess what she succeeded in doing. She used Chris Bailey first to destroy his own brother and then slammed him with corruption allegations, and declared him wanted. So then she got two at one blow. It is always said that if you ride on the back of the tiger you end up in its belly. Chris became the breakfast and made his brother, William, the dinner for Madam Sirleaf.

It still remains a mystery how could the President withdraw Mr. Karyee on the basis of audit report that she has refused to implement all along. Varbah Gayflor was booked by the forensic audit of the GAC, yet she nominated her, she was approved by the Senate and appointed. Rennie Jackson, the same thing. Ambullah Johnson, her brother, is still walking around a free man. Several others accused by the audit reports are still being maintained in government, while others were re-nominated and promoted. But when it came to this other Krahn man, he must be disgraced and through him the entire Krahn community rendered politically insignificant and irrelevant.

If you come to look at the entire process, you soon realize she was playing dirty politics not only with Grand Gedeans, but also with the Senate. Normally, the president can only withdraw a nominee who has not been approved. But in William Karyee’s situation, he was already approved, and then she was withdrawing him. From where? He was no long under the jurisdiction of the Senate. But President was planning another strategy to present herself clean. The Senate should take the blame and she be washed as white as snow.

So, Madam succeeded in during two things: 1) She disgraced two Krahn men at a go, and 2) she was escalating her campaign to render the people of Grand Gedeh political incompetent, irrelevant, and irresponsible; and she drove a wedge among brothers at the same time. That way the Liberian people will continue to harbor the notion that nothing good can come from Grand Gedeh County. Remember she introduced the idea of “Krahn soldiers” and it stuck with the Liberian people today. She is creating another alibi to destroy the name of all Grand Gedeans. That is where the definition of witch-hunt comes in again. She will do everything to expose, harass and intimidate Grand Gedeans because they are considered her opposition. And the sooner she does that the greatest relief and joy it brings to her. 

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