Thursday, July 5, 2012

Part III: 10 Reasons Why Madam Sirleaf Is Witch-hunting Grand Gedeans

By Gibson W. Jerue
Before I attempt my reason number three, I would like to define witch-hunt so that those who may not know will learn. I realized a lot of people don’t even know what is witch-hunt and that buys on how they argue. Here is it. Witch-hunt is an investigation carried out ostensibly/supposedly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to HARRASS and UNDERMINE those with differing views. It is also defined as a rigorous campaign to round up or expose DISSENTERS on the pretext of safeguarding the welfare of the public. With this working definition of witch-hunt let’s look at part III:

With the TWP regime gone, Madam Sirleaf’s godfathers and political mentors history, her chopping spot snatched away, saved by Doe when others wanted her executed, Iron Lady now in full blown opposition politics, and shocked by the result of 1983 Nimba raid, Madam Sirleaf would not wean until this “Krahn monster” is brought down. Then she united with her godson, Quiwonkpa and others again to launch the November 1985 abortive invasion. Those of us who are students of the Bible are told that by the Holy Book that Satan keeps trying until he beguiles God’s children into sins and eventual death. For the Iron Lady, if Doe was not removed and all his Krahn henchmen annihilated, the country was a waste land.

All this time Madam Sirleaf did not have a practical way to pay back Doe and his “Krahn soldiers”. She was burning with hate and the passion to reduce her perceived enemies to dust. Now that November 15th was a fiasco and Quiwonkpa killed in the process, the flames of hatred heightened in a woman who has been practicing for years for the presidency of the country. Registered at the back of her mind was a clear and present opportunity to punish her enemies once at the helm of authority of the Liberian Government.

So she started a renewed campaign for sanctions against the Samuel Doe regime. By now, it was clear, Madam Sirlead cannot stomach Doe and anything linked to him. She will stop at nothing to teach this ‘little bastard” a piece of lesson. She was the upper class and Doe and his fire coal eating Krahn people cannot survive her wrath.

The thing about hatred is it does not come at once. It is a feeling that generates and develops over time. At this time, Ellen was consumed by the sea of hatred that she would not see the rest of Liberia. She went to the Congress to ask them to impose economic sanctions on the country that she claimed to love most. She branded Doe a savage and impressed the United States government that in Liberia the man that presides over authority was a beast.

By 1996, when election results declared Doe winner of the presidency, Madam Sirleaf psychologically crumbled again at the news. She was sure Jackson Fiah Doe chosen by God to win any election against Sammy. But Emmet Harmon was not in the mood to replaced “a front door with a back door”, as one politician said once. Ellen rejected her seat at the senate. Why? Simple! She would have dignified the Doe regime had she accepted. She had said this “illiterate Krahn man” was a “fool that presided over a regime of ignoramus”, how can she work with this man. The last resort was to fight tooth and nail to kick him out anyhow, whether 250,000 Liberian souls were rushed to their early graves or not.

So then, a conglomerate of events had heightened her quest to deal these Krahn people a blow they will never forget. Why Krahn people? Simple, by then most Grand Gedean youths have seen the clear and present danger posed not only to Samuel Doe as president of the nation, but also to the people of Grand Gedeh because utterances from the likes of Ellen were scaring. Most Grand Gedeans knew there and then that one day, instead of coming after Doe, all Krahn people would be elements for elimination, such that took place during the 1990 NPFL bush war, that Ellen heavily sponsored.

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