Thursday, July 5, 2012

Part X: 10 Reasons Why Madam Sirleaf Is Witch-hunting Grand Gedeans

By Gibson W. Jerue 
In this final part, I will be asking a bunch of questions that beg answers. I believe there are fundamental problems with the current President of Liberia that we need to look at. We have gone through serious traumatizing wars for us to go back into chaos. Witch-hunt had been the tactics of past regimes; we cannot go back to the dark days. Here are the questions:
1)      I have named 13 members of the Krahn ethnic group that have been victimized, harassed, persecuted, intimidated or disgraced by President Sirleaf and her band of hit men. Tell me, which ethnic group in Liberia that has experienced such inhumane treatment?
2)      Treason or Sedition is a serious crime, a capital offense that carries life imprisonment or death for treason or not more than five years in prison for sedition. Why didn’t the government make sure of their case before arresting Andrew Dorbor and Charles Julu?
3)      The President swore to protect and defend the constitution of Liberia, but she allowed her son to keep Dorbor in jail for six months without charges, and Julu three months without charges. Do you think this was by mistakes or you think she did not know that the two men were at the NSA jail without being charged?
4)      The government promised to give Dorbor money to lie on Julu. What do you think would have become of Julu had Dorbor agreed to the government’s request? Don’t you Julu would have been in everlasting jail or probably had died in jail [May his soul rest in peace]?
5)      Assuming that President did not know about Dorbor and Julu being in jail for that long without charges. Did she suspend or dismissed Fomba Sirleaf for grossly violating the Constitution and the rights of those men when she learned that those men were held without charges?
6)      The president dismissed Benson Bah for corruption. Why didn’t she take him to court? Now that the gentleman’s reputation hangs in the balance, don’t you think it was a calculated ploy to taint his reputation and leave him that way?
7)      Chris Bailey is wanted for corruption. He is being indicted. The charges are based on the GAC audit that President Sirleaf vowed not to implement. How Chris Bailey case is different from the 64 others who have been booked by the GAC but have not been charged, arrested or declared wanted?
8)      Do you honestly believe President Sirleaf is interested in prosecuting corruption cases, or she only wants to deal with Chris and Benson the way she did just for the devilment of it?
9)      Four of those on “most wanted” listed are right there in Monrovia and government says they are not wanted again. One of them is in Ghana. Do you think the security forces should have done better by properly investigating the Ivorian list before declaring their own citizens wanted?
10)  The government continues to say things about Krahn people that are not true, jailed some for long period without charges, when the constitution only give 48 hours period, and harassing these men from Grand Gedeh, Don’t you think this is pure witch-hunt? See definition of witch-hunt again below: “An investigation carried out ostensibly/supposedly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to HARRASS and UNDERMINE those with differing/disagreeing views. It is also defined as a rigorous/difficult campaign to round up or expose DISSENTERS on the pretext of safeguarding the welfare of the public.”

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