Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Reasons To Revoke Madam Sirleaf’s Nobel Prize

By Gibson W. Jerue
Reason III
At about 5:00 0’clock on the morning of Friday, November 15, 1985, a familiar voice jammed the airwaves of the Liberia Broadcasting System. It was the audible voice of the man Liberian called “Strongman”. He was Brigadier General of the Armed Forces of Liberia. He’s Thomas G. Quiwonkpa, a well-respected member of the April 12, 1980 coup makers. He was announcing the takeover of a new regime, the Patriotic Forces regime.

Quiwonkpa was the point man for much larger consortium of politicians who really did not give a damn about him or any other country boy. The chief instigator, mastermind, and the evil genius was Madam Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. She had become the strongman’s godmother overnight. They were strange bed fellows, each needing the other to accomplish a goal: Madam Sirleaf needed the valor of the man many have come to fear and respect to remove the regime he ushered in himself. Madam Sirleaf was killing two birds with one stone: 1) Use one of the 17 enlisted men council that dethroned her political mentor, William Tolbert, former President of Liberia to remove that military junta, and 2) dump him and others and enthrone the Americo-Liberian oligarchy once more.

Like Mr. Thomas Woewiyu said in his to letter President Sirleaf, the Madam and her political alliances have been “trying for ten times to overthrow Samuel Doe…” With Gen. Quiwonkpa , assisted by her and others, hiring about 27 to 30 Sierra Leoneans the job seemed close to being done. Quiwonkpa’s financiers, including Madam Sirleaf were determined to plunge Liberia back into chaos and it did not matter to her who got hurt or die. So long it would bring her into power Madam Sirleaf had stopped at nothing to bring Doe down.

Transporting the dissident forces to come to Liberia and violently overthrow the Samuel Doe regime was not a problem. They had the money and the support—Ellen Johnson Sirleaf. They were trained in Sierra Leone, and they passed through from Bo Waterside by way of Tienne to Monrovia. It is not exactly known how these men passed through without the Immigration and joint security units at the Liberia-Sierra Leone resisting them or even not raising any alarm.

Information gathered, according to one of the Sierra Leone dissidents, they shot their way through when most of the guards or security officers were sleeping and snoring their night away. One person who tried to put up resistance was reportedly shot and killed. And with poor communication system the Quiwonkpa led dissidents-studded Patriotic Forces took control of the border area putting all security officers of the Liberian government under custody. On the other side of the border Sierra Leone security granted easy access to the band of miscreants, clothed with the garment of liberation in Madam Sirleaf prescription. Watch out for reason IIIb.

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