Thursday, July 5, 2012

Part VB: 10 Reasons Why Madam Sirleaf Is Witch-hunting Grand Gedeans

By Gibson W. Jerue
In the upper left hand corner on a tan painted wall screams a giant photograph, with the inscription clearly stretched under a giant-size man with camouflage that read: “The Rock”. It was Charles Julu, the man Madam Sirleaf believed was behind her arrest and detention in 1984, when according to her, “Krahn soldiers” tortured her. And she would forgive everything else but she must break that “rock” into pieces. With the old and ailing “Rock”, made haggard by hypertension and diabetes, already in the hands of Madam Sirleaf’s son, the new hit man, the matter is close.

Meanwhile, Andrew Dorbor was languishing behind bars, struggling with cold floor each night that passed. The torture continued, and NSA agents continued to deny access to him. His name would remain Mohammed. Whether he was dead or alive was still a mystery. The Government of Liberia had not charged him, and his kinsman, Julu was right in the same building with him and he did not know it.

With the fastest indicted drawn for Julu to face Sedition charges, Government issued a statement lying that Dorbor was a free man, only that he was being kept in protective custody. Who were they protecting Dorbor from was something that amazed everyone. Julu contacted one of the lawyers who defended him in the sedition charges he faced in 1994 but the lawyer declined. The lawyer told journalists that he could not defend Julu for family reasons, but he [name withheld] told Julu’s family members that government operatives were threatening him. Whether that was true or not was another story. So Julu had no lawyer, until Cllr. Dempster Brown came to his rescue. The result of the trial, the government of Liberia lost the case, the prosecution failed to prove a 17-count Sedition charges. Julu told journalists he was not tortured while he was in detention at the NSA.

But how is Ellen involved with this? Simple! One thing that Madam Sirleaf will never rest to achieve is to subdue the Krahn people. And the way to do it is to harass them; arrest and detain their opinion leaders, subdue the brave ones, and make the Grand Gedeans appear timid. Another way is to escalate characterization propaganda that the Krahn people still want power. What would Liberians think when they hear that after Samuel Doe’s brutal assassination on September 9, 1990, two other Krahn men, a Colonel in the AFL, Andrew Dorbor, and a retired Brigadier General, Julu, want to overthrow the Sirleaf Administration. As far as Madam Sirleaf knows, Julu was notorious and on record for attempting to topple the David Kpomakpor transitional regime in 1994, so he can do it again. That was sufficient public relations for the Sirleaf government to get the job of putting Julu away forever done.

Most Liberians are gullible and can believe anything easily especially when it comes from authority. Once Julu and Dorbor were put away in everlasting jail, Madam Sirleaf would found another prey, maybe collect Armah Youlu, Charles Breeze, if possible beguile Bai Gbala to come to Liberia and then fall into the dragnet. That is how the master gamer plans her dirty games. There is one thing about Madam Sirleaf that no other Liberian president may have had, and that is “vindictiveness”. She would payback no matter what.

If you closely look at the definition of witch-hunt, you realize it was everything that Madam Sirleaf and her hit man, Fomba Sirleaf wanted to, and still wants to achieve. Look again at the definition of witch-hunt, which is “an investigation carried out ostensibly/supposedly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to HARRASS and UNDERMINE those with differing/disagreeing views. It is also defined as a rigorous/difficult campaign to round up or expose DISSENTERS on the pretext of safeguarding the welfare of the public. 

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